Lena B. McClain

Lena B. McClain was the widow of Dr. Harry McClain who doctored people in Fulton County during the early 1900s. He died in 1939.

Dr. and Mrs. McClain lived in Hustontown. When she died in February 1964 she had no heir.

Her will dictated that after her estate was settled, any money remaining was to be used as a scholarship for students graduating from Forbes Road who were furthering their education at a four-year college, two-year college, community college, trade school, etc.

The account started with approximately $75,000. In 1969 when the first money was given, it was a loan to be paid back when the recipient graduated and started earning money. Not many recipients paid it back. After a time it became a scholarship (gift) that did not need to be returned. Due to excessive lawyer fees, bank handling charges and low interest rates, the account is now approximately $46,000. For the last several years, the interest on the account has not covered the amount being paid out so some of the principal has been used.

Each person receiving this scholarship (gift) at graduation is recognized in front of family and friends that the recipient is capable of furthering his or her education.

If you received one of the scholarships (gifts) now is the time to "pay it forward" with a donation to increase the amount in this account so future graduates may also be recognized. Donations from past recipients, family, friends or members of the community are welcome. All donations will be acknowledged by a letter so it will be tax deductible.

Donations may be made by sending a check payable to Hustontown-Forbes Road Scholarship Foundation or the Lena B. McClain Scholarship Fund. Mail to Sarah Shaw, PO Box 446, Hustontown, PA 17229.

Sarah Shaw


Hustontown/Forbes Road Scholarship Foundation